
The trailer for Neo Berlin 2087, a graphophonic game that still looks cheap

Elysium Game Studio has revealed a new Neo Berlin 2087 trailer – with cut-scenes and gameplay. In the comments to the video they noticed that the game looks like a greeting from 2010 and a nextgen at the same time.

Neo Berlin 2087 is a third-person and first-person cyberpunk action-RPG on Unreal Engine 5. You are in the role of a detective exploring a dystopia of the future:

The story begins on a dark and ominous night when Neo-Berlin is plunged into chaos after the brutal murder of the head of the police department. The enigmatic Nolan, a brilliant detective with a troubled past, is tasked with the difficult mission of finding and protecting the police chief’s daughter, a potential key to solving the mystery of her father’s death.

Equipped with advanced technology, weapons and unique abilities, Nolan embarks on a dangerous journey to find Natalie as quickly as possible. Each step brings him closer to unraveling a sinister plot that threatens to consume the entire city.

When Nolan finally comes face to face with the independent and extremely resourceful Natalie, he realizes that their fates are intertwined in ways he never imagined. The bond between them is born out of a volatile mix of love, fear, and uncertainty. As they travel down an insidious path, they will face their deepest fears and confront the dark forces that want to keep them apart.

To unravel the tangle of mysteries, you need to find information, hacking into the minds of suspects. Well, you will have to fight – not only humans, but also robots will stand in your way. A wide arsenal of weapons and abilities, as well as stealth will help you to cope with your opponents.

Neo Berlin 2087 will be released in 2024 on PC (Steam) and PlayStation 5.

3 thoughts on “The trailer for Neo Berlin 2087, a graphophonic game that still looks cheap

  1. retrofuturist says:

    Neo Berlin 2087 is a curious mix of old and new in the gaming world. The blend of cyberpunk and detective gameplay is appealing. Looking forward to uncovering the dark forces in this unique world!

  2. CyberDetectiveX says:

    Neo Berlin 2087 is like a blend of past and future in gaming. The cyberpunk dystopia and detective story have me intrigued. Can’t wait to dive into the mysteries and action in 2024!

  3. Neo says:

    Neo Berlin 2087’s mix of story and gameplay is intriguing. The blend of cyberpunk, detective work, and action creates a unique experience. I’m eager to explore this dystopian world and confront both humans and robots in 2024!

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