
You Will Die Here Tonight, a mix of old-school horror and shooting gallery, will be released in October

Spiral Bound Interactive studio announced that the horror game You Will Die Here Tonight will launch on Steam on October 31. Russian subtitles are announced.

The place of action – a sinister mansion of the XIX century. You will have to play for the fighters of the “Aries” unit, who split up due to mysterious forces. Your wards will die, and their actions will affect the fate of the survivors.

The developers of You Will Die Here Tonight drew inspiration from The House of the Dead and classic Resident Evil. While exploring levels, the camera is positioned overhead, and battles are a first-person shooting gallery. Collect resources, solve puzzles, buy and upgrade weapons, fight or run.

4 thoughts on “You Will Die Here Tonight, a mix of old-school horror and shooting gallery, will be released in October

  1. secretsandshadows says:

    This game is right up my alley. The old mansion gives me chills!

  2. heartpoundingadventures says:

    You Will Die Here Tonight looks super intense. Can’t wait!

  3. enigmatichorrors says:

    You Will Die Here Tonight seems like a thrilling mix of classic horror and intense shooting gallery action. The 19th-century mansion setting is the perfect backdrop for this eerie adventure. I’m excited to step into the shoes of the “Aries” unit fighters, make choices that will impact the story, and confront the mysterious forces that lurk within the shadows.

  4. enigmatichorrors says:

    The 19th-century mansion is the perfect setting for a spine-tingling adventure.

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